We sincerely appreciate those who can help keep our parish operational for our community, and kindly accept donations.
Please choose a category of donation below:
For general donations to St Joseph, you can make one-time donations using the Diocese of Hamilton website to support our parish:
You may also deliver donations to our office, or fill out a bank donation form in order to have automatic monthly withdrawals made from your account:
Please deliver donations or the autowithdrawal form to our office, at:
760 St David St N
Fergus, Ontario
N1M 2K9
The society of St Vincent de Paul is a non profit, volunteer organization that unites its members in the service of the poor in a humble and discreet manner. Funding for the work done through this society comes through donations of parishioners as well as private donations and bequests.
If you would like to donate to St Vincent de Paul’s mission, please either contact the Parish Office at (519) 843-2006, or by email.
If you would like to donate towards the maintenance and upgrades to St Joseph’s church, please send payment to our Parish Office:
760 St David St N
Fergus, Ontario
N1M 2K9